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woohoo. Been a long, long time. I've sadly neglected you, poor little blog. We finished the X-Files ages ago and moved on to all 7 seasons of Buffy. Maybe now I can return to real time, real life and some semblance of not feeding off the tube every evening when work is done.An exciting day today. Time to re-ignite the fire for all things Cartooning. Neilson Park is launching a new initiative with the help of myself, John Wood and Aaron Ong, called Drawing Skills For Animation. Starting this Fall, we'll be offering a structured drawing/design/story-building course for Teens. It is designed to build students' skills with the goal of getting into College-level Animation or Game Design courses. It will be great to bring these talents together and work towards a common idea. Teaching a lone course with no infra-structure or input from other like-minded peers can get very dry after several years. It will be refreshing to be able to share ideas and strategies once these classes get started. The time has come!
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