Equinoxal Ills
I've been sick for the past three days - a migraine that went bad, if that's at all possible - I mean migraines are bad enough. I have to be careful at this time of year because it doesn't take much to make me sick and I think a combination of factors did it to me this time. The Chinese have a 'Change of Season Soup', so it's not a 'just-in-my-head' malady.
It's been a busy week starting with our Lady's Art Playgroup on Sunday. I was the featured guest artist & we did Pop-ups. Although there were only two people who showed up, it was fun and it's always encouraging to share other people's enthusiasm. We started out with maniacal bunnies and progressed to cats, chickens & other Easter fancies. Now I have to figure out a way to package these creations for my craft show...make some money.
Monday & Tues. I did art workshops with Ontario Early Years - a drop-in program for parents & children (infant to 6 yrs). That was good. Haven't been in the company of young moms (& 2 dads) for years (since I was at that stage!). I enjoyed the dynamics of the group & once the kids warmed up to a stranger in their midst, we all had a good time. Much easier to do this with the parents on hand - I could sit down & let them worry about discipline and helping out with the things the kids couldn't do. I way over-prepare for these things because I never know what to expect until I'm there...but it usually pays off (because I'm prepared!).
This being the March Break - I took A. out Whitby for a familial walk in the wild. Always a good March Break thing to do. And it was wild - windy, cold and lots of busted ice floes for my nephew to whack with his stick. We came home muddy, wind-burned & with some cobwebs blown out of our brains, as well as a good appetite.
Yesterday A. was taken by her other cousins for a few days of country living. It's what she lives for! Actually, she'll probably go shopping, swimming & watching movies in town, because her cousins like to ESCAPE the country living.
Today I recuperated - mostly in bed. P. was off to painting class, the college boy was off to college and I was disinclined to do much of anything, still being short of breath and head-achey. Fortunately I had an excellent read to keep me company - a pithy take on the working (as in career) woman's life. "How Does She Do It?" by Allison Pearson. A breathless & sometimes claustrophobic ride on the Working Mom's Rocketship. I have no experience of this kind of life, but I'm finding it a fascinating read - Ms. Pearson is a helluva good writer. All this reading won't do my headache any good, but at least I'll feel like I accomplished something today.
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