Sunday, March 05, 2006

I have the Calligraphy Guild to thank for my latest foray into paper-folding. They had an amazing show of envelopes decorated and addressed with calligraphy. It was beautiful and intriguing and their next show was the contents of the envelopes. One lady had created a folded paper dove with calligraphy written all around the wings and the base. I was smitten! Always a closet origami folder - this was another aspect which I had never thought about. Of course the web is rife with paper-folding/pop-up sites, but I went my own merry way, hunched for many days over my desk and now I give you some of the results. It is a very much a work in progress (as are all artistic endeavors) but already I've done a few workshops, with more planned for people who are as excited about this art form as I am.


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