Full Moon on a Frozen Field
The moon cast venous shadows
On dimpled snow.
Nude oaks thrust bloodless limbs
To the sky, and I,
Nostrils prickling at each icy breath,
Flex fingers growing stiff
Despite thick gloves.
Okay - so it's not THAT cold out - but it's getting there. And we did have snow once or twice last week. On Friday I head up to Orangeville to set up for the weekend craft show. One of my students who skiis, said that five centimetres of snow fell a couple of weekends ago up that way when he went up for soccer practice. We're such wusses down this way. We haven't any real snow for so long, we don't know how to handle it when we get it. Anyway, I've got enough to do with raking the leaves. We've had such high winds the last few days, it brought down most of the leaves, except for the Oak tree next door. It will hold onto it's leaves until the city has finished with it's leaf-suckers and I will be stuck with non-biodegradable oak leavings all over my lawn until spring.
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