Sunday, January 25, 2015



Two-Colour Complementary Coloured Pencil

Line and Marker

Pastel, Full Colour

Transformations Drawings
Demonstration pieces for my Teen Art Discoveries Class at VAM. They started with Self-Portraits in Charcoals and slowly transformed the original idea in various ways, exploring different colour schemes and drawing media.

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More Fun With Photoshop
This began as a photo of my Paper Sculpture 'Coil'. Several filters, layers and manipulations later it turned into this. 

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Thursday, January 01, 2015

Cooper's Hawk
This beautiful fellow perched outside my studio window just long enough for me to grab my camera. He was scoping out the menu on my front porch - squirrels, morning doves and sparrows.
A Happy New Year to all!


Fun with Photoshop
I've been playing with Photoshop Elements - trying out variations of the filters, textures and so on. It's addictive - there's so many places you can take your drawings, I find it hard to resolve and settle on an image. 

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