Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Tuesday Drawing Class
A cropped version of a drawing that turned out okay, after I put in some work on it today. If my drawing is going well, a half-hour pose isn't quite long enough, but if it's going badly, then five minutes is too long! This was a pretty good session for whatever reason (okay, it's me, not the model). And yes, I'm humbled to the point of feeling like I should pack up and go home when I'm in the presence of all those much better artists at Neilson Park. But you gotta keep trying.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

it took a while, but I just have to assemble the cover, bind the book and give it to my Mother. And it's only three weeks late. I had fun with the felt and embroidery. It's been awhile since I played around with this stuff. What brought me the idea for this cover solution for my pop-up book is a bit of a convoluted path: I have a new gig (just started 2 weeks ago), teaching crafts at a Toronto Seniors' Centre. I've spent my two sessions there just doing inventory and they have a ton of felt. More than we can use in our collective lifetimes. Somebody must have got a deal on this stuff, or carte blanche on the credit card. I was asked to use up the supplies they have before I start buying new stuff. Fair enough. So I've been cruising the 'net looking for felt crafts and one thing led to another and to a bit of inspiration. I've had this stuff lying around for years. Glad to be able to finally put it to use.
Now I'm afraid my pop-up book is going to get all bent and torn (being a pop-up book), before I can get it to my Mom.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Page Two
of "The Book of Vi".
Pop-Up Books and Other Fun Stuff
A couple of benchmarks to be celebrated - my venerable Mom turned 80 this January. All four siblings managed to put differences and distances aside and got together to take her out for a lovely meal (sans Dad - who isn't into restaurant dining...even for very special occasions). All the cousins congregated at the Homestead to babysit the little ones, so their parents could properly enjoy their 'Adult' evening. A good time was had by all and Mom was overwhelmed to the point of tears by all the fuss AND the presentation of a beautiful 'family' ring. I'd say it was a successful event and way more fun than Christmas (maybe something to do with not having to cook, nor do dishes??).
The second benchmark is a year doing this blog. Been intermittent, I know, and my biggest reader is the one for whom none of this is real news (my reading this honey?). I guess it's good to have it in writing.
Oh yeah, the pic above is from my soon-to-be-done-finally 'Mom's 80th Birthday Pop-up Book' (working title), I think I'll title the finished copy - 'The Book of Vi'. I'll include a few pages for your viewing pleasure.